Tuesday, January 23, 2007

January 23, 2007

ISO 100
Exposure 1/25
F-stop f 4.50
Focal length 50.mm

This week is kinda of difficult because, thought I live in the Great Lakes State I really don't live close to a body of water. Also it is January in Michigan so I am finding ice but I guess that will have to do for today. These are photo I took with my new lenses that I got off of EBay. I purchased a Minolta Maxxum AF 50.mm and a Minolta Maxxum AF Zoom 80-200 mm. I love the 50. mm not sure if I like the 80-200 too much. I think I want a stronger zoom. Make sure if you have time to click on the photos so you can see the amazing detail that the Sony has. It's a sweet camera and I'm having so much fun with it!!! Oh yeah CC welcome. Thanks


Mar said...

These are fun!

The bench one...maybe a play w/a wider aperture would make it more interesting???

The last one looks a tad blue...

Krissynae said...

Beautiful photos. Love the bench. great job