Tuesday, February 20, 2007

February 21, 2007

I took this photo in early January, when my Sony was still brand new. I did not have my other two lenses yet so this was shot with the kit lense. Know that I have been reading and learning so much from you guys I can see the error of my ways. I did play with the color in pse 4 and I sharpened it twice.
Thanks for looking!!!!


Michelle said...

like the name of the street...the colors look good but i think the whole thing needs a little lightening...great job though!

Jan said...

Don't you love it when you realize that you're learning?? Great job. Keep it up! Just think how much better you'll be in December! :)

Sara said...

Good to see you post again! Keep them coming.

Mom2Drew said...

I think a little closer would improve it dramatically. However...just love the street name. Thanks for sharing, good to see you up and at em' again.

Sue said...

Love the street name :) Neat view.

Itworksforbobbi said...

So great - love the street name! I agree, it could use a little brightening, maybe a quick levels adjustment

Sarah (spetrie5) said...

Great street name. LOVE that!