Thursday, February 15, 2007

February 15, 2007

Ok, guys I had the hardest time with this. I have been working on this for two days. But I am learning so much that I don't mind. I took these photos in raw and am learning how to work with the editing program. I am using the RAW editing program that came with the camera, I cannot seem to get the RAW to work in PSE 4 so if anyone has any tips on that I would appreciate it. Also had a hard time posting the photos because the files were so large. I know I lost some quality when I made the photo ready for the web. I bought a foam board at Michaels to use as a background and my dining room table cloth. Oh by the way this is a cookie jar that I bought a few years ago, it looks tiny but it is a nice size cookie jar.
Thanks for looking!!!!


Sue said...

Ugh - this is not letting me post!!!! I will just see if this lets me.... is it sending them to you?

Sue said...

OK - so now it let me post. I was try to say I like the 43th one down, even though he is looking backwards. But the white seems to be best in this photo. You might try playing wiht your white balance, this is the thing I am having most trouble with (ignore me if you don't want any cc.) I like your subject!

Lori said...

Good job keeping with the theme. The crop on the first one is great! Nice job!