Friday, February 9, 2007

February 10, 2007

Ok guys this is Sarah with her new Addie doll. I ran noiseware, I cropped, and other stuff that I don't remember.
I want to be able to see Addie's face so I lighted up the shadows. Sarah's hands look kinda funny to me. They are much too light and the picture has a pink tinge to it.
ISO 400
Exposure 1/40
50 mm lens
no flash


Jenny said...

Looks like you are using incandesent (I have no idea how to spell this word) lighting. You might want to play with your white balance on your camera to correct this next time. Also, to avoid the shadowing of the doll's face...have her bring it around to face the light more that is coming from the side. Your little girl is absolutely beautiful.

Mom2Drew said...

I commend you for doing what you did...those were difficult shadows to "fix." I agree with the above poster, but just wanted to add she's a cutie and has a winner of a smile!

Hope said...

Doesn't look like you had a lot of bright light in the area you were in. Maybe try up-ing your iso and playing with your white balance. Overall shot shows how happy she was to get the doll though so you captured that. :)

Sue said...

This is cute - maybe use the flash to get it s a little birhter. For the crop, I would do a length wise one with her and the doll. Your step daughter is adorable :) My step kids are up this weekend so I will be taking lots of pictures too :)